New Facts About Power in Chainsaw Man (2022)

Spoiler Warning: The majority of Power facts in this guide contain major spoilers for the characters and the plot of Chainsaw Man’s Public Safety Arc. Please watch the Chainsaw Man anime or read the manga, at least till chapter 97, to avoid eradicating the intended experience.

1. Power Has a Pet Cat With Two Names

Power rarely cares for other living beings, but she’s ready to sacrifice her life (and apparently Denji’s too) for her pet cat. But an interesting fact about this pet cat is that she has two different names depending upon the version of the manga you read. In the original Japanese iteration of Chainsaw Man manga, the cat is named Nyāko, which is a cuter way of saying the Japanese word for cats – Neko. However, in the English translation of the manga, the cat’s name becomes Meowy, which is still cute but contrasting.

2. Her Horns Can Grow Significantly

Being a blood fiend, Power has horns made of blood growing out of her head. They are proof of her devilish side and are directly connected to her ability to use instruments made out of her blood and heal herself by consuming blood. Expanding on that, in Chapter 39 of Chainsaw Man manga, we learn these horns grow taller and larger whenever Power consumes more blood than she needs.
And to get them back to their regular size, Power is then required to drain additional blood out of her body. A reliable method to do it is by letting someone like Denji drink some of Power’s blood. Moreover, if left unchecked, Power can also grow additional horns out of her head. We get to see that in the same chapter as well.

If you have seen Power in action, it might not come as a surprise that she is quite popular among the fans. This was proved during the official popularity polls of Chainsaw Man that were conducted by Shueisha, a partner company of Shonen Jump. Power topped the leaderboard in the first popularity poll with 35,268 votes.
Then, in the second popularity poll, she came in third with 69,850 votes. The winner of that poll was Aki Hakayawa, another popular character in the fan base. Nevertheless, Power made up for this drop in ranking by appearing twice in the second popularity poll. Read the next point to find out how.

In Chapter 12 of Chainsaw Man manga, Power explains that she uses breast pads to make her chest appear larger. This shocks Denji and catches him (and the fans) unprepared. Following that, the publishers took this joke to the next level by introducing her breast pads as a candidate in the second popularity poll.
And in a surprising turn of events, Power’s breast pads managed to secure the 25th position with 2,330 votes. Even though it might not look like much, the pads claimed a better rank than the katana man and even the gun fiend.

5. Personality Inspired by Eric Cartman and Walter Sobchak

When we look at any list of unhinged animated characters, Eric Cartman from South Park always tops the list. He is brutal, cruel, and utterly disrespectful to every living creature. Sounds similar to a character from Chainsaw Man, right? You are not mistaken. As revealed by the author during an interview with the French magazine ATOM, many aspects of Power’s character are based on Eric Cartman. The most obvious one is the joy they both feel when inflicting pain on their enemies. But Eric isn’t the only one to blame for her ruthlessness. While giving an interview for Jump Festa 2021, CSM’s author shared that Power’s personality is also inspired by Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski. He is quite stubborn in his ways and deals with everything in a passive-aggressive manner. Some might even call his actions thoughtless, which is how we can perceive Power’s behavior as well.

6. Power is the First and Most Unique Fiend We See in Chainsaw Man

At this point, you might know that the world of Chainsaw Man is made of humans, devils, hybrids, and fiends. You can use our dedicated guide to find out the differences between them. But even after meeting a variety of these characters, you cannot find any other fiend like Power.
She is the first fiend we are introduced to in the CSM series, and also the most unique one. Instead of siding with either humans or devils, she sides with whoever is winning at the moment. That makes her extremely selfish but also really powerful in serious battles. She doesn’t even think before flipping to the other side to save herself.

7. Power Has the Worst Hygiene

Sorry to burst your bubble if you were crushing on Power, but she is a dating nightmare when it comes to hygiene. In Chapter 11, we learn that she doesn’t bathe and doesn’t even flush the toilet. As a devil in a human body, Power considers humans to be too sensitive for taking their hygiene seriously. Later, we witness her tossing off food items (especially vegetables) from her meals that she isn’t fond of.
Then, as if there was still some hope left, Power explains that she treats all types of meat equally whether it’s animal or human in manga Chapter 36. She is even ready to eat the flesh of undead zombies. As from our encounter with the bat devil, we are sure that all meat tastes differently even to devils. So from the looks of it, Power cares about meat tastes as much as she cares about the odor coming out of her washroom.

8. Power Has Flexible Abilities

As covered in our guide to Power and her abilities in Chainsaw Man, she can create a variety of weapons using her blood. Even though she usually sticks with simple melee weapons like hammers, there doesn’t seem to be a limit to what she can create. Her abilities aren’t limited to creations that are similar to Green Lantern’s projections.
We observe the true extent of her abilities when Power manipulates her blood to repress the healing of the Control devil in the later chapters of the manga. In that situation, she programs her blood to act in a specific way, even outside her body. Not to forget, at that point in the manga, Power, as a fiend, had already passed away. With her inevitable return, it will be interesting to see how further can she take her blood manipulation.

9. We Don’t Know Power’s Hair Color

Either due to a coloring glitch or maybe because of a creative decision, it seems like Power can’t have a consistent hair color. In some parts of the colored manga, her hair color is pink (like in Chapter 15). But in other scenarios (like the cover of Chapter 29), her hair appears to be blonde.
Many fans were waiting for the anime to air so they could see her true hair color. Unfortunately, the inconsistency continues in the anime as well. We see her blonde hair in most scenes of the anime, but she also dons pink hair in some scenes. Hopefully, the creators will settle on a mix between the two as the story progresses.

10. Power’s Name has a Christian Origin

Power’s name stands out the most in the Chainsaw Man franchise. It is the only non-Japanese name for one of the main characters, and it appears superficial on the first encounter. But as revealed by the author of CSM, Tatsuki Fujimoto, during Jump Festa 2021, Power’s name has a complex origin.
He told the audience that Power’s name comes from the Christian hierarchy of angels. “Powers” is the name of middle-order angels that have power over evil forces. They prevent evil from doing harm by suppressing them. Living up to this name, Power eventually plays a major role in restraining the main villain in the Public Safety arc of Chainsaw Man.

Top Facts About Power in Chainsaw Man

If you were to search for the most chaotic anime character of our time, chances are you would end up with Power in Chainsaw Man. And now that you know so much about her, you can truly appreciate the efforts put into this character. But if you are only here for the mess she creates, we suggest you also explore Denji from Chainsaw Man. He is Power’s partner-in-crime and a best friend to Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil. With that said, do you think Power is an important character, or is she just a comic relief? Tell us in the comments below!