Tablet Market Sees Growth in 2021 but Demand Dips

It has been revealed that the last quarter of 2021 only saw 46 million tablets shipped globally as opposed to 52.2 million units that were shipped in the fourth quarter of 2020. All the top 5 companies recorded a decline in year-on-year growth.
Anuroopa Nataraj, senior research analyst with IDC’s Mobility and Consumer Device Trackers, further states, “However, shipments in the near future will remain above pre-pandemic levels as virtual learning, remote work, and media consumption remain priorities for users.” However, there isn’t any good news for Chromebooks. IDC reveals that Chromebook shipments in the fourth quarter of 2021 saw a 63.6% year-on-year dip and had only 4.8 million shipped units. It is mainly because of chip shortage and market saturation in major markets, added the report. Although, 2021 wasn’t fully bad for Chromebooks as they saw a growth of 13.5% globally. The year saw a total Chromebook shipment of 37%, which is an increase from the 32.6% shipments in 2020.
Demand for Chromebooks continues to grow in emerging markets. HP became the leader in this in 2021, followed by Lenovo, Acer, Dell, Samsung, and others.